The Ten Commandments

God not Only Appointed the Seventh Day He Blessed It!

Good morning, ladies!

As a reminder why I am doing this- the Lord has placed a burden on my heart for our families, our children, and our children’s children. The days ahead of us appear to be dark. I believe we must be prepared. We must know how to truly live upon Christ and walk in His ways. We must learn how to live in communion with God and one another for the sake of our children. Thomas Watson says

“God not only appointed the seventh day—but he blessed it. It is not only a day of honor to God—but a day of blessing to us. It is not only a day wherein we give God worship—but a day wherein he gives us grace. On this day a blessing drops down from heaven. God himself is not benefitted by it, we cannot add one grain to his essential glory; but we ourselves are benefitted. This day, religiously observed, entails a blessing upon our souls, our estate, and our POSTERITY. Not keeping it, brings a curse. Jer 17:27. God curses a man’s blessings. Mal 2:2. The bread which he eats is poisoned with a curse; so the conscientious observation of the Sabbath, brings all manner of blessings with it. These are the arguments to induce Sabbath-sanctification. The Sabbath day is for our interest it promotes holiness in us.

Preparation for the Sabbath:

Having dressed your bodies, you must dress your souls for hearing the Word. As the people of Israel were to wash themselves before the law was delivered to them, so we must wash and cleanse our souls; and that is done by reading, meditation, and prayer. Exod 19:10.

[1] By reading the WORD. The Word is a great means to sanctify the heart, and bring it into a Sabbath-frame. “Sanctify them through your truth,” etc. John 17:17. Do not read the Word carelessly—but with seriousness and affection; as the oracle of heaven, the well of salvation, the book of life. David, for its preciousness, esteemed it above gold; and for its sweetness, above honey. Psalm 19:10. By reading the Word aright, our hearts, when dull—are quickened; when hard—are mollified; when cold and frozen—are inflamed; and we can say as the disciples, “Did not our heart burn within us?” Some step out of their bed—and go immediately to the church. The reason why many get no more good on a Sabbath by the Word preached, is because they did not breakfast with God in the morning by reading his Word.

[2] MEDITATION. Get upon the mount of meditation, and there converse with God. Meditation is the soul’s retiring within itself,

that, by a serious and solemn thinking upon God, the heart may be raised up to divine affections. It is a work fit for the morning of a Sabbath. Meditate on four things.

I will give you the first two meditations today and the last two tomorrow.

(1) On the works of creation. This is expressed in the commandment. “The Lord made heaven and earth, the sea,” etc. Creation is a looking-glass, in which we see the wisdom and power of God gloriously represented. God produced this beautiful world without any pre-existent matter, and with a word. “By the word of the Lord were the heavens made.” Psalm 33:6. On the Sabbath let us meditate on the infiniteness of the Creator. The disciples were astonished that Christ could, with a word, calm the sea—but it was far more astounding with a word to make the sea! Matt 8:26. “They saw the Lord’s works, His wonderful works in the deep.” Psalm 107:24. Look into the earth, where we may behold the nature of minerals, the power of the loadstone, the virtue of herbs, and the beauty of flowers. By meditating on these works of creation, so curiously embroidered, we shall learn to admire God and praise him. “O Lord, how manifold are your works, in wisdom have you made them all.” Psalm 104:24. By meditating on the works of creation, we shall learn to confide in God. He who can create—can provide; he who could make us when we were nothing, can raise us when we are low. “Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” Psalm 124:8.

(2) Meditate on God’s holiness. “Holy and reverend is his name.” Psalm 111:9. “You are of purer eyes than to behold evil.” Hab 1:13. God is essentially, originally, and immutably holy. All the holiness in men and angels, is but the crystal stream which runs from this glorious fountain. God loves holiness because it is his own image. A king cannot but love to see his own effigies stamped on coin. God counts holiness his glory, and the most sparkling jewel of his crown. “Glorious in holiness.” Exod 15:2: Here is meditation fit for the first entrance upon a Sabbath. The contemplation of this would work in us such a frame of heart as is suitable to a holy God; it would make us reverence his name and hallow his day. While musing upon the holiness of God’s nature, we shall begin to be transformed into his likeness.”[1]

I will finish the distractions at the end of this week. I’ve given you enough to meditate on today.

May we praise God together today. May we diagnose our souls aright before Him in communion. May we lead our children and our children’s children into true communion. For this God, our God, forever and ever He will be our guide even to death! Hear this all His people do not be foolish!!

I love you and I’m praying for you! May the Lord bless you today as you seek Him and grow in your love for Him.

I will finish the distractions at the end of this week. I’ve given you enough to meditate on today.

May we praise God together today. May we diagnose our souls aright before Him in communion. May we lead our children and our children’s children into true communion. For this God, our God, forever and ever He will be our guide even to death! Hear this all His people do not be foolish!! I love you and I’m praying for you! May the Lord bless you today as you seek Him and grow in your love

[1] [1] Thomas Watson, The Ten Commandments, (PA: Banner of Truth Trust, Reprint 2021), 93 – 122.

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