The Ten Commandments

What Should We Pray for in Prepatation for the Sabbath?

Good morning, ladies!

Today we will read and take in the fourth point and what we should pray for when we are in preparation for the Sabbath.

“(4) On a Sabbath morning meditate on the glory of heaven. Heaven is the extract and essence of happiness. It is called a kingdom, for its riches and magnificence Matt 25:34. It is set forth by precious stones, and gates of pearl. Rev 21:19, 21. There is all that is truly glorious: transparent light, perfect love, unstained honor, unmixed joy. And that which crowns the joy of the celestial

paradise, is that it is eternal. Suppose earthly kingdoms were more glorious than they are, their foundations of gold, their walls of pearl, their windows of sapphire—yet they are corruptible. But the kingdom of heaven is eternal; those rivers of pleasure run “forever.” Psalm 16:11. That wherein the essence of glory consists, and makes heaven to be heaven—is the immediate sight and fruition of the blessed God. “I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with your likeness.” Psalm 17:15. Oh, think of the Jerusalem above!

This is proper for a Sabbath. The meditation of heaven would raise our hearts above the world. Oh, how would earthly things disappear and shrink into nothing—if our minds were mounted above visible things, and we had a prospect of glory! How would the meditation of heaven make us heavenly in our Sabbath exercises! It would quicken affection, add wings to devotion, and cause us to be “in the Spirit on the Lord’s-day.” Rev 1:10. How vigorously does he serve God—who has a crown of glory always in his eye!

[3] We dress our souls on a Sabbath-morning by PRAYER. “When you pray, enter into your closet,” etc. Matt 6:6. Prayer sanctifies a Sabbath.

(1) The things we should pray for in the morning of the Sabbath. Let us beg a blessing upon the Word which is to be preached; that it may be a savor of life to us; that by it our minds may be more illuminated, our corruptions more weakened, and our stock of grace more increased. Let us pray that God’s special presence may be with us, that our hearts may burn within us while God speaks, that we may receive the Word into meek and humble hearts, and that we may submit to it, and bring forth fruits. James 1:21. Nor should we only pray for ourselves—but for others.

Pray for him who dispenses the Word; that his tongue may be touched with a hot coal from God’s altar; that God would warm his heart—who is to help to warm others. Your prayers may be a means to quicken the minister. Some complain they find no benefit by the Word preached; perhaps the reason is—that they did not pray for their minister as they should. Prayer is like the sharpening of an instrument, which makes it cut better. Pray with and for your family. Yes, pray for all the congregations that meet on this day in the fear of the Lord; that the dew of the Spirit may fall with the manna of the Word; that some souls may be converted, and others strengthened; that gospel ordinances may be continued, and have no restraint put upon them. These are the things we should pray for. The tree of mercy will not drop its fruit—useless it is shaken by the hand of prayer!

(2) The manner of our prayer. It is not enough to say a prayer; to pray in a dull, cold manner, which is but asking God to deny; but we must pray with reverence, humility, fervency, and hope in God’s mercy. Luke 22:44. Christ prayed earnestly. That we may pray with more fervency, we must pray with a sense of our needs. He who is pinched with needs, will be earnest in begging alms. He prays most fervently—who prays most feelingly. This is to sanctify the morning of a Sabbath; and it is a good preparation for the Word preached. When the ground is broken up by the plough, it is fit to receive the seed; when the heart has been broken by prayer, it is fit to receive the seed of the preached Word.

[4] Having thus dressed your souls on a morning, for the further sanctification of the Sabbath, address yourself to the HEARING of the preached Word.

When you sit down in your seat, lift up your eyes to heaven for a blessing upon the Word to be dispensed; for you must know that the Word preached does not work like a medicine—by its own inherent virtue—but by a virtue from heaven, and the blessing of the Holy Spirit. Therefore put up a short ejaculatory prayer for a blessing upon the Word—that it may be made effectual to you.

The Word being begun to be preached, hear it with reverence and holy attention. “A certain woman, named Lydia, attended unto the things which were spoken by Paul.” Acts 16:14. Constantine, the emperor, was noted for his reverent attention to the Word. Christ taught daily in the temple: and “all the people were very attentive to hear him.” Luke 19:48. In the Greek, “they hung upon his lip.” Could we tell men of a rich purchase, they would diligently attend; and should they not much more, when the gospel of grace is preached unto them? That we may sanctify and hallow the Sabbath by attentive hearing, beware of these two things in hearing: distraction and drowsiness.”[1]

Have a blessed day and I look forward to our communion tomorrow as we gather as His people to worship and make the best possible use of the Lord’s Day together.

[1] Thomas Watson, The Ten Commandments, (PA: Banner of Truth Trust, Reprint 2021), 93 – 122.

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