Bride of Christ Communion with God

Did You Hear the Clarion Call?

Good morning, ladies!

I hope you all heard the clarion call we all received yesterday from our God as Murray preached and taught us from John 17! We have been given a mission just as Christ came on a mission and He left us with one and that mission is to make disciples baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that God has commanded us to teach.

I want to be an encouragement to every single one of you this day and a help to you to learn to live upon Christ!

For those among us who are single and busy with our jobs, ministering to those around us, dealing with the demands of our time, and possibly dealing with the desire to be a wife and mom but not seeing that dream fulfilled life can be overwhelming!!

For you moms among us, raising children, homeschooling them, being a wife, a homemaker, a friend, a caregiver, dealing with great losses and possible struggles in your relationship with others and spouses. I know that life can be overwhelming!

For those of us who have finished those two seasons of life and have moved on to being moms to adult children and grandmothers to our grandchildren, wives, caregivers to our elderly parents, homemakers, friends, and much more life can be overwhelming!

To those who are widowed and are possibly struggling with that season of life, as well as health issues life can be overwhelming!

We all face joy and sorrows, some of our struggles seem insurmountable at times, there are many days that we may find ourselves overwhelmed and discontentment can set in for a plethora of reasons this is true in every season of life!

However, I want to encourage all of us not to lose sight of our mission! It’s carried out differently in different seasons but nevertheless, it must be carried out! 

As I read the Word this morning and intentionally prepared my heart today for this mission I’m called to carry out. I am reminded that I have an enemy who is waiting to devour me if he has a chance and as I go forward there are many enemies in the world looking to destroy God’s work. I must be prepared! For my sake, the sake of those around me, and for the glory of our God!

The days in this country are darker than I’ve ever seen them, and we must prepare our hearts, our children’s hearts, and our friends hearts. We must learn to live upon Christ and in communion with the Trinity and one another. We must learn to stop trusting in what we can see and what we believe this world has to offer us and learn to trust totally in the unseen God and His plan for our life!

May we stop making enemies because of our self-righteousness and start winning others hearts for God as we point them to Christ’s righteousness. Starting in our own homes, our church, our workplaces.

We must first start with our own hearts and then we can pour God out to our children and our children’s children. Learning first to live upon Christ and then teaching others! This is the most important thing we can do!

I want to share something I read that C S Lewis wrote. We have never ever met a mere human being everyone is a living spiritual sole, and they will live for eternity; where they will live is our concern and the fact that there is no coincidence that we have crossed their path is a huge responsibility! It’s even a greater responsibility we have to our church family and our children.

This is the burden I want to see us all take up. First our own lack of communion with God and then our lack of communion within our church and our own families. That is why I’ve been sharing Thomas Watson’s teaching on the fourth commandment with you all. We must come into the house of God prepared to meet with Him and hear His call on our lives. We must learn to find beauty in Him alone and learn to drink deeply from the Fountain of living waters. If we don’t, we are no good to anyone around us especially our children! 

I know and believe deeply that we can all learn to live upon Christ and take Him fully in for our good, the good of others and His glory!

Please reach out for help if you need it, if we find our heart is even the slightest bit cold toward Him or His people we must reach out for help and we must be willing and ready to help one another when we are needed! 

May our mouths tell of His righteousness and His salvation because our hearts are overflowing with His love for the other and for us! May we take in His teaching and declare His wonderful works to each other!! Who is like Him?

I love you and I’m always willing to meet with you in your struggles.

Please pray for me that I will look to Him every minute of every day and He will cause me to remain faithful and desire more and more to put my remaining sin of self-righteousness, my self-indulgences, and my own unbelief to death!

I will start tomorrow with the distractions, and we will finish up the fourth commandment this week!

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