The Ten Commandments

Why has God Appointed a Sabbath?

“WHY has God appointed a Sabbath?”

(1) With respect to HIMSELF.

It is requisite that God should reserve one day in seven for his own immediate service, that thereby he might be acknowledged to be the great Plenipotentiary, or sovereign Lord—who has power over us both to command worship and appoint the time when he will be worshiped.

(2) With respect to US.

The Sabbath-day is for our interest; it promotes holiness in us. The business of weekdays makes us forgetful of God and our souls: the Sabbath brings him back to our remembrance. When the dust of the world has clogged the wheels of our affections, that they can scarce move towards God—the Sabbath comes, and oils the wheels of our affections, and they move swiftly on! God has appointed the Sabbath for this end. On this day the thoughts rise to heaven, the tongue speaks of God, and is as the pen of a ready writer, the eyes drop tears, and the soul burns in love! The heart, which all the week was frozen, on the Sabbath melts with the Word. The Sabbath is a friend to true religion; it files off the rust of our graces; it is a spiritual jubilee, wherein the soul is set to converse with its Maker.” Thomas Watson

We started Friday the 8th by working on a remedy for our distractions. We are not looking for perfection, but we are looking for help that we may make the best use of the Lord’s Day.

Watson says “distracted thoughts and hearing is far from sanctifying the Sabbath. It is very sinful to give way to vain thoughts at this time.”

But oh, how very easy it is to let it happen!  To let our minds, go to our duties as mothers and wives, our duties at our jobs, our upcoming pleasures, even our current struggles and circumstances. He goes on to say “because, when we are hearing the Word, we are in God’s special presence. To do any treasonable action in the king’s presence—is great impudence (shame). Yes, in my house have I found their wickedness. Jer 23:11. So the Lord may say, In my house, while they are hearing my Word, I have found wickedness; they have wanton eyes, and their soul is set on vanity!”[1]

Yesterday’s message was a blessing. I pray you all took it in and I pray that we will meditate this week on such beautiful thoughts as the Lord our God being in our midst and rejoicing over us with gladness!  I hope we will pray and fight against our unbelief and unfaithfulness. We will truly learn to rest in His love and sing His song together in the deepest most loving way. Enter communion with Him today ladies and make returns on His love!!  How precious is His loving-kindness to us! He allows us to drink from the River of His pleasures! I pray none of us will miss out on such pleasures as are found in God alone.

We will consider tomorrow where our distracting thoughts come from.

I love you all!

[1] Thomas Watson, The Ten Commandments, (PA: Banner of Truth Trust, Reprint 2021), 93 – 122.

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